Address is 1008 McLary Road, Nashville, IN 47448.
Go up the Hill from the Church (Turn Right onto the Gravel Drive when leaving the Church blacktop parking lot), go past the Youth Barn, past the Parish Office, past the Rectory & the last house at the end of the drive is the PLC House.
Men, you are invited to join us for the next four weeks as we continue our viewing of The Search: Finding the Meaning of Life with Chris Stefanick. We’ll gather at the PLC House (big house up on the hill by the Youth Barn) on the next four Sundays at noon. I’ll make sure to feed you so you don’t go hungry, but, most importantly, we’ll share the meaning of life with other Christian men. Join us on June 25, July 2, 9, & 16. If you plan to attend, please let me know so that an appropriate amount of food can be prepared. Will meet in the PLC House .