DAY OF SERVICE: Saint Meinrad is sponsoring a Day of Service again this year in Bloomington on Saturday, March 8th from about 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. at Stone Belt Arc, Inc., 2815 E 10th St., Bloomington, whose mission is to partner with the community, to prepare, empower, and support people with developmental disabilities and their families to participate fully in the life of the community. Several members of Saint Agnes participated last year, and I would like to see even more this year. Breakfast and lunch will both be provided. The work consists of cleaning or making cards for nursing home residents. In addition, this year, they will be collecting items for Pantry 279 in Ellettsville. Pantry 279 is in dire need of baby food, formula, diapers sized 4-7 and toilet paper. These items can be brought with you on March 8. To sign up, please use this QR code: